24 Contour cochlear implant system (Cochlear
Pty Ltd)
cochlear implant is a medical device that is implanted into
the head behind the ear of a deaf person. When used with
a microphone and speech processor it electrically stimulates
the auditory nerve and results in the person being able
to hear sound. When the system was first developed in 1978
by Graeme Clark it was referred to as the bionic ear. Since
that time a variety of cochlear implants have been developed
by the Cochlear division of Nucleus.
Limited was founded in Australia in 1981 and, since then,
has maintained its position as the international leader
in the manufacture and sale of Nucleus® cochlear implant
systems. (Cochlear, 2000: 2)
implants are designed for use by adults and children who
are profoundly or severely deaf and get little or no help
from hearing aids.
Nucleus implant systems enable hearing impaired people to
perceive most environmental sounds and speech. The number
of Nucleus® implant recipients worldwide has grown to
over 27,000, with more than 13,000 of these being children.
(Cochlear, 2000: 2)
cochlear implant is an example of innovations in design,
combined with engineering, information processing and software
design and development.
It can be a little confusing when reading about the Cochlear
implant. The following may help:
Cochlear is the division of the Nucleus company producing
cochlear implants.
Cochlear Implant System is an implant developed by
cochlear implants is a generic term for this type
of implant, note the lower case c.
The cochlea is a part of the ear, note there is no
r on the end of the word.
Bionic ear was a term coined for the cochlear implant
it appealed to the public. An overseas company has
now patented that term for its own cochlear implant.
Case studies developed by the Professional Support and Curriculum Directorate and supported by the Multicultural Programs Unit of the NSW Department of Education and Training in partnership with the Powerhouse Museum