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Refugee tagging

AVID: American veterinary identification device
Biometrics: a way of using technology to identify people by reading the features of parts of their bodies. For example, finger scanning, retina scans, iris scans.
Control: purposeful influence toward a predetermined goal (Beniger, 1986: 39).
Cornucopia: an overflowing supply.
Deployable: able to be moved or transported.
DMPITS: Deployable mass population identification and tracking system.
DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid, large molecule responsible for transfer of genetic characteristics.
Ethics: the principles of behaviour expected in a certain situation.
IDENT: US Immigration and Naturalization Services's identification system.
INS: Immigration and Naturalization Services.
Junta: a small ruling group in a country. Usually as a result of revolution.
Recidivist: someone who repeatedly relapses into illegal activity.
Rivet: a metal pin holding two materials together.
Riveted: joined by a metal pin using a pop riveter.
Refugee: a person who flees their home usually to a foreign country to escape political or military upheaval.


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