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On-line support for the HSC
Case studies in design, technology and cultural diversity

This collaborative project was developed by the following people:

Project coordination: Julie King

Web site author and HTML coding:
Jason Gee*

Content development:
AIS/RMIT Superbike: Julie King
Textile Arts of Central Asia: Christina Sumner* and Julie King
The Aibo: Campbell Bickerstaff*, Sophie Daniel* and Julie King
Cochlear implant: Angelique Hutchison* and Julie King
Snowy! Power of a nation: Desmond Barrett*, Ian Hoskins* and Julie King
BRACS: Julie King
Refugee tagging: Bill Palmer and Julie King
Evolution and revolution: Claire Roberts* and Julie King
Paperbark Woman: Julie King
The Power project: Bill Palmer and Julie King

Curatorial advice:
Desmond Barrett, Campbell Bickerstaff, Fabri Blacklock, Grace Cochrane, Matthew Connell, Melanie Eastburn, Ian Hoskins, Angelique Hutchison, Steve Miller, Rob Renew, Claire Roberts, Deborah Rudder, Margaret Simpson*, Christina Sumner, Lindie Ward.

Curatorial coordination: Rob Renew*

Assistance from the following people was greatly appreciated: Karlyn Clinghan (Cochlear Pty Ltd), Associate Professor Robert Dale (Macquarie University), Scott Donkin*, Vicki Flaherty, Kathy Hackett*, Dr Cecile Paris (CSIRO), Anne Slam*, Marianne Weaver (SMHEA), Evan Wyatt (TEABBA).

Review team:
Bill Blake (Senior Education Officer, Curriculum Support Directorate), Steve Cavanagh (Birrong Boys High School), Adrienne Cobby (Cromer High School), Lyndall Foster (CEO, Technology, Curriculum Support Directorate), Heather Glenn (St Clair High School), Stuart Hill (Freshwater High School), Trevor Jardine (Kelso High School), Christine Keys (Nowra High School), Kathleen Moss (St George Girls High School), Olivia Saravanos (Mackellar Girls High School), Paul Stewart (Glendale Technology High School), John Zugajev (Crestwood High School)

Copyright clearance: Julie King

Editing: Peter Rennie and Neville Keeley

Photography: Powerhouse Museum Photography Department unless otherwise indicated.

Image scanning: Scott Donkin* and Ryan Hernandez*

Steering committee:
Lyndall Foster (Chief Education Officer, Technology, NSW Department of Education and Training); Jason Gee* (Web site coordinator, Powerhouse Museum); Julie King (Project coordinator, NSW Department of Education and Training); Robert Renew* (Senior curator, Powerhouse Museum); June Rowe (Multicultural Programs Unit, NSW Department of Education and Training); Helen Whitty* (Education services, Powerhouse Museum).

*= Powerhouse Museum staff

The case studies were developed by the Curriculum Support Directorate of the NSW Department of Education and Training, in partnership with the Powerhouse Museum. Funding for the project was provided by the Multicultural Education Unit, NSW Department of Education and Training.