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About Students and teacherslinks and references Australia Innovates
A century of innovationThe Innovation cycleThe innovation game

The edge of innovation

Australians are still innovating - and some of them are telling the world about it.

These links will take you to innovative projects in universities, CSIRO, and industry. Note that the Co-operative Research Centres (CRCs) are part of a government-funded program that brings together expertise from these three sectors.


Gradiflow separation technique
BresaGen. Australia's first cloned pig
Bionomics Ltd. Gene research for epilepsy and breast cancer
Proteome Systems. Proteomics research
Prana Biotechnology. Alzheimer's disease drug trials
AGEN Biomedical. Diagnostic imaging for blood clots
Progen Industries Ltd. Clinical trials of cancer treatments
GroPep Limited
AorTech Biomaterials

Environment and Energy
Continuous self cleaning filter. Yuri Obst
Vermitech. Large scale vermiculture
Solar Sailor. Hybrid power systems for boats
Low emission vehicles
Ceramic fuel cells
ANU solar thermal research
Database of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects

UTS Mind switch
Polartechnics Skin Polarprobe
SphygmoCor blood pressure analysis
MicroMedical Artificial Heart
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
CSL Bioplasma
Margron Hip Replacement System
Qlicksmart scapel blade remover
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Enterix (Australia). Bowel cancer screening technology

Information and Communications
Lake technology - Dolby headphone
Redfern Photonics
User Interface Card (UICard) Manufacturing
AM process for casting magnesium (CSIRO/AMC)
Scramjets - University of Queensland Centre for Hypersonics
Allsaw - multi-purpose cutting tool
AutoBake Serpentine baking systems
Pulse combustion process CSIRO. (including video)
SICOR bonding technology

AMBRI biosensor
Intelligent Polymer Research Institute
NanoMaterials Centre

Cooperative Research Centres
Australian Technology Park
Australian Robot Association
The Warren Centre for Advanced Engineering
Defence Science Technology Organisation

Phase Contrast Imaging

Bishop Austrans
Permo-Drive brake system for trucks
Microwave emissions converter (Smog buster)

University research centres
Australian National University
UNSW Research Units
University of Sydney Research Centres
University of Technology Research Centres and Institutes
Macquarie University Research Centres
Monash University Research Centres
RMIT Research Centres
University of Melbourne Research Activity
University of Adelaide Research Centres
University of South Australia Research
University of Wollongong Research Units
University of Queensland Research Centres
University of Western Australia Departments and Centres
Murdoch University Research Institute
Northern Territory University Research Centres
University of Tasmania Research Centres

If you know of a good website that describes a current Australian innovation please send us the address.

Type the website address (eg. in the box below and then click on Go.



Have you come up with a great design or invention that the rest of Australia needs to hear about?

ABC TV is on a national hunt for innovators, inventors and designers who have developed a new product, invention or innovation. We’d like to feature your creation as part of a national competition in the search for the best invention/innovation in 2004!

Hosted by James O’Loghlin, "The New Inventors" will begin in March 2004. We are looking for inventions and innovation in all fields, from domestic appliances through to products for the workplace, from building to leisure, rural and urban-based ideas.

ABC TV invite you to register your interest in the show via our official application page

ATSE Powerhouse Museum